Jhonson & Friends
New York April 15
10:00 am - 10:00 pm

Everything starts with an idea.
That can growth to change the world
The energy we use. The food we consume. Our drinking waters… Those precious resources are coming under increasing pressure today.
Ideas, big and small
Will help us open up new opportunities.
To challenge the impossible
What if … bikes recycled water?
What if … bugs were burgers?
What if … bottles were bricks?
What if… your idea could change the world?
Even the simplest of idea can have the power to transform lives and positively impact society.
Jhonson & friends is a one-day event organized by the Jhonson Robert Foundation where dozens of companies will be hosted as witnesses and where global CEOs will be challenged to find solutions that are good for all of creation, no one excluded. Everyone in attendance will help fund projects to heal our world.
Many will not want to downsize their lifestyle, and this is to the detriment of all of us! Think about it, there are about 8 billion people in the world, if we were to divide the earth, the sky, the seas, and rivers, that is, the entire globe, each citizen of the world deserves to have 2.2 hectares. By dividing the American territory, for example, each American consumes 10 hectares when he would be entitled to 4.7 – a Swiss (about 8 million inhabitants) instead consumes 5 hectares while he has 1.5 hectares available, an Italian (60 million of inhabitants) instead it consumes 4.2 hectares while it has 1 available. So, if I consume 4.2 and I only have 1 where do the 3.2 hectares come from? From someone else!!! Are we sure that the extra hectares have been paid? Here where the problem lies. Is it possible that most raw materials are in the third world? Where does poverty and sickness reign? In theory it must be the other way around or am I wrong?
Jhonson & friends will help transform ideas into reality by now facing the challenge of education, energy, water and food.
Event schedule
Pre-order now to play as a protagonist
Participation is open only to CEOs by completing the form below. Filling out the form is not binding, a person in charge will contact you to give you all the necessary details. Live participation fee is $3200/participant - online participation fee is $3600/participant.
Application form
Fill out the form and you will be contacted